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9 Planets in Vedic Astrology – What are they

In Hindu Astrology, Navagrahas affects a person’s happiness, success and all-round prosperity. The good and bad, positive and negative influences of each of these nine planets are results of factors like the specific location of the planets on the birth chart, etc. Planets possessing Sattva nature are Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Planets bearing Rajas are Venus and Mercury while planets with Tamas nature are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

These nine planets in vedic astrology are treated as deities with specific powers, nature and characteristic qualities depending on what each of these offers – positive or negative to people.

1. Sun

Sun is the karaka planet of soul. It has red or saffron orange colour. Its temperament is stable, assertive, domineering, self-centered. It has anger but it is momentary. Its place is in temples and represents the season of summer. The direction of Sun is East. The element of Sun is gold and its gem is Ruby or Red Garnet.

2. Moon

Moon is the karaka of mind, and its colour is pale white or cream. Its temperament is variable, empathetic, humane. It is a planet related to water and thus, its season is monsoon. Its direction is North-West. Lunar planet has moral properties. It controls the sense of taste. Silver is the element of Moon. White Pearl is the prescribed gemstone.

3. Mars

Mars is the karaka of strength and courage power, achievement and anger. Its colour is yellowish red. Its temperament is aggressive, spontaneous, purposeful. It represents first place, summer season, south direction, vengeance, bitter taste. Its element is bronze. The gems prescribed are Red Coral and Pink Coral.

4. Mercury

Mercury is the karaka of voice. Mercury represents green colour. Its temperament is moving, changing, multi-faceted. The season of Mercury is autumn. North is the direction of this planet. It is administrative in nature. The sense of smell is given to mercury. The element of mercury is Kansya. The gemstone is Green Emerald.

5. Jupiter

Jupiter is the karaka of education. A person can not get an education without its support. Its temperament is kind-hearted, fair, generous. Yellow or yellowish-orange is the colour of Jupiter. It represents autumn season and North-East direction. It represents the sense of speech. The compatible gemstone for Jupiter is Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Topaz.

6. Venus

Venus is the karaka of lust and its colour is pure white. Its temperament is sociable, benevolent, seductive. Bedroom is its place and South -East is its direction. It is a planet of administrative nature and represents sour taste. Silver is the element. While the primary gemstone is Diamond, White Zircon and Quartz are also recommended.

7. Saturn

Saturn planet gives a feeling of sadness and is the karaka of Grief. Blue/Black are the colours of Saturn. Its temperament is bleak, cold, dictatorial, surly and represents bad places. Winter is the season of Saturn and west is the direction. It is vengeful in nature. It is the karaka of sensory organs. Iron is the element of Saturn. The compatible gemstone is Blue Sapphire which must be worn with caution due to the fiery nature of this planet.


The Dragon Head and is separate from the senses causing delusions and starves for the body. Its temperament is aggressive, eccentric, impulsive. Rahu drives temptation to indulge in worldly luxuries and pleasures through greed, cheating and excessive craving for fulfilment of materialistic desires. South West is the direction of this planet. Its colour is Dark Blue. Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) is the recommended gemstone for this planet.

9. Ketu

The Dragon Tail is akin to a robot or zombie, starving for completeness and enlightenment as it is disjointed from the head and brain. Its temperament is aggressive, eccentric, impulsive. Ketu shows us the path to liberation from worldly desires and attaining the higher purpose in life of spiritual enlightenment. South West is the direction of this planet. Its colour is Grey and the recommended gemstone is Cat’s Eye.

Source: The Hindustan Times

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